What to do after a car accident
Driving on califorina roads is very difficult. Especially when you are in a car, you can be at a high risk of having an accident in traffic. Whether it’s small “Fender bender” or a big one, you should already know what to do next. Here you will be instructed to avoid all the accidents and will be told how to submit your file to the insurance company.
While buying insurance, read the insurance policy carefully once. After getting the policy letter, you should check it thoroughly. Check if your information is correct with the vehicle you have taken. And if you want to make some changes in it, then you should contact your agent and email your company in writing.
Table of contents:
1. Get your vehicle out of the road
2. Check the damage to both vehicles
3. Report the accident to law enforcement
4. Call 911
5. Document the car accident
6. Important tips
7. Conclusion
Get your vehicle out of the road:
If possible, keep clean your road. Pull your vehicle over to the side of the road as quickly as possible and turn on your car headlights so that oncoming vehicles can the the accidental car.
Check the damage to both vehicles:
if you have an accident with another vehicle, first get the occupants out of the vehicle and then the damage of the accident with the vehicle in front, if the fault is yours will for the damage to his car and if the fault is with the person in front, then you will pay for the damage to your car from him.
Report the accident to law enforcement:
The accident is serious, then you call the police and will ask you everything and create an report. A copy this report he give you and take action write now.
Call 911:
He and the person sitting in the vehicle will be checked. If anyone is injured, call 911 immediately. If someone in your vehicle or the vehicle in front of you has been seriously injured, try not to move until help arrive.
Document the car accident:
Get a copy.
Ask the police officer where you can get this accident report copy because when you go the insurance company to make your complaint or claim, the insurer ask you for the accident report.
Take pictures.
Take the pictures of the car from all over the place and if possible the number plate of the car in front take picture and immediately share all the pictures with your insurer so they can be sure of you.
Talk to witnesses.
Then, if there were any key-time witnesses, take their name and contact number from them.
Important tips:
The first part of an insurance claim start with a car accident. Check the car for damage and take pictures of it. Call the police to file and create an official report. Contact the insurance company and submit all document as soon as possible.
If you are going on a long trip with your family and you have an accident with another vehicle, the first of all, get out of the car and try to save all the people sitting with you. Check that they are not harmed and injured etc. If no one is injured then do not call the helpline if any person injures himself or anyone sitting in the vehicle. Any major damage to or to any person in the other vehicle if this happens, try not to let the person move until someone is there help them.